Archive | September 2014

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Class Takeaway 4

Today is difficult to really get something from. We watched that film Wasteland the entire time, and while I was very entertained by it, it’s not something that was created by this class. Watching a movie and saying hey this class is super inspirational is misleading. I think the confrontation at the beginning of class […]

Class Takeaway 3

I can’t say that doodling is what would help inspire me. Structurally, I define work as a linear path from start to finish, where finish is a product that can be turned in and start is the absolute first moment of conceiving the product. Spending time doodling will probably always feel like wasting time to […]

Class Takeaway 2

It was a ton of fun looking at everybody’s projects. One of the things that I realized while sitting there listening to everybody speak was that in my project where I took the egg onto the trail. It was really the first time I had ever slowed down. You go as fast as you can […]